8  The Instrument Rotator

8.1) Introduction
8.2) Moving the Rotator

8.1. Introduction

As of early 2012, the telescope is configured in a way that prevents proper use of the instrument rotator.  If you plan to use the rotator on the 1.3m telescope, please contact MDM staff well in advance so preparations can be made to allow for its use.

The telescope is equipped with an instrument rotator. The entire suite of instruments, including the MIS, are attached to the instrument rotator. The field orientation of the guider camera is therefore affected by the position angle of the instrument rotator.

8.2. Moving the Rotator

The instrument rotator can only be moved manually from inside the dome. The position angle of the rotator is displayed to the nearest 0.25 degree on a mechanical decker mounted to the mirror cell under the polar axis. Note that there is a 2o offset; when the decker reads 2o the rotator is actually at 0o.

To operate the instrument rotator:

Be careful to watch the power cables from the mirror cell to the rotator table. The main instrument cable loop may also become taut, especially when working in the far north or south. The rotator can be moved by +/- 90o from its home position.

The autoguider rotator angle must be reset for each position angle of the instrument rotator through the autoguider window.

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Updated: 2014Jan24 [Galayda/MDM]