The following 102 x 102 mm plane reflection gratings are available:


Blaze wavelength

Blaze angle

600 l/mm

5000 A

8.63 deg

830.8 l/mm

8465 A

20.57 deg

1200 l/mm

5000 A

17.45 deg

There are two 3-inch square grisms available, which mount immediately in front of the camera lenses. They may be used either as the primary dispersing element when used with a flat in the grating mount, or as a cross disperser when used with one of the above gratings.


Blaze wavelength

Central Wavelength

Blaze angle

200 l/mm

6730 A

7000 A

15.0 deg

300 l/mm

5200 A

6500 A

17.45 deg

A full set of order separating filters is available which mount in the post slit filter holder. A post slit eyepiece is available for knife edge focusing.

A complete manual for the spectrograph is kept in the control room.

Updated: 2013Nov13, epg