MDM Observatory 1.3m Telescope Observer's Report for 2005 Jul 08 Observer(s): chris peters Institution(s): dartmouth college Instrument: Mark III + Templeton Worked for 9 hours (all night) Conditions were Photometric most of the night. Problems were encountered, see the separate trouble report for details. Seeing and Weather: Beg: Seeing 1 arcsec, Clear, Winds Light & Variable Mid: Seeing 1 arcsec, Clear, Winds Light & Variable End: Seeing 1 arcsec, Clear, Winds Light & Variable Observing Summary: another great night of observing. one slight problem: the telescope stopped guiding during one portion of the night; i heard the guider computer start beeping (meaning that it wasn't finding the guide star anymore), and so i tried to move it back to within the box on the screen and the telescope would not respond to simply pressing the south or north buttons (but did work when used with the set button). after i ended that exposure, i moved the scope with the set button (to somewhat work out the kinks ), and that seemed to fix the issue. the rest of the night it worked fine. ------------------------------ Submitted on 2005 Jul 9 [5:07:27]