MDM Observatory 1.3m Telescope Observer's Report for 2005 May 05 Observer(s): Norman Grogin Institution(s): JHU Instrument: Direct+Templeton Worked for 8.5 hours (all night) Conditions were Mixed most of the night. Problems were encountered, see the separate trouble report for details. Seeing and Weather: Clouds from 6:30Z until 7:45Z. Beg: Seeing 2.2 arcsec, Clear, Winds Moderate Mid: Seeing 2.2 arcsec, Cirrus, Winds Moderate End: Seeing 2.1 arcsec, Clear, Winds Moderate Observing Summary: Clear except for 1.5hrs near the middle of the night when a thin band of cirrus passed over. Windy all night, with gusts up to ~25kts. Bad seeing : >2 all night. Minor problem again with the West drive. ------------------------------ Submitted on 2005 May 6 [7:16:28]