MDM Observatory 1.3m Telescope Observer's Report for 2005 May 09 Observer(s): eve armstrong Institution(s): columbia Instrument: templeton/direct Worked for 9 hours (all night) Conditions were Photometric most of the night. No equipment or software problems were encountered. Seeing and Weather: Beg: Seeing 1.2 arcsec, Clear, Winds Light & Variable Mid: Seeing 1.0 arcsec, Clear, Winds Calm End: Seeing 1.2 arcsec, Clear, Winds Calm Observing Summary: *Gorgeous* conditions all night. Seeing dipped near 1 arcsec a couple times (at 15-second integrations.) Time seried photometry on SDSS 1339+48. Ode to the Harebrained [H]avelina To the critter who hangs 'round the lake: Do you grasp your egregious mistake? A slight thought to prevention (like PAYIN' ATTENTION!) Could have skirted Bob's flooring the brake. Take a note of that truck for a minute. It's been battered and lashed to its limit. Just look at that harm wrought, You half-witted marmot! Be thankful its driver's not in it. ------------------------------ Submitted on 2005 May 10 [3:15:59]