MDM Observatory 1.3m Telescope Observer's Report for 2005 Nov 02 Observer(s): Martin Bureau , Anne-Marie Weijmans Institution(s): Oxford University, Leiden Univ. Instrument: Direct Imaging, f/7.6, echelle Worked for 09:30 hours (all night) Conditions were Non-Photometric most of the night. Problems were encountered, see the separate trouble report for details. Seeing and Weather: Beg: Seeing 1.3 arcsec, Cirrus, Winds Calm Mid: Seeing 1.5 arcsec, Cirrus, Winds Calm End: Seeing 1.7 arcsec, Cirrus, Winds Calm Observing Summary: Continuation of an optical imaging follow-up of the Sauron survey of early-type galaxies. The sky was partially clear with scattered cirrus for the first half of the night, with seeing around 1.3 . The second half was worse, with more and thicker clouds, and seeing around 1.7 . All of the night was thus usable but we had too substantially lengthen our exposure (from 50 to 100% longer than planned). We also lost the guiding star a few times... Since this is the first night with this set-up, the focus was also way off, so it took a bit longer than usual to focus at the beginning of the night. Similarly, the pointing was really bad to start with, so much so that it was impossible to find a bright star even by scanning around the target position extensively. In the end, we had to use the tilt meters to calibrate the pointing. This went quick but we did loose about 90 minutes for the whole process. We also repeatedly had problems with the bias level of the CCD. Many exposures had a substantial number of bad rows, so much so that many exposures were useless. Although we have no proof of this, it seems that doing a df helps to solve the problem. More details in the fault report. ------------------------------ Submitted on 2005 Nov 3 [7:27:11]