MDM Observatory 1.3m Telescope Observer's Report for 2005 Nov 03 Observer(s): Martin Bureau , Anne-Marie Weijmans Institution(s): Oxford University, Leiden Univ. Instrument: Direct Imaging, f/7.6, echelle Worked for 12:30 hours (all night) Conditions were Mixed most of the night. No equipment or software problems were encountered. Seeing and Weather: Beg: Seeing 1.7 arcsec, Cirrus, Winds Calm Mid: Seeing 1.6 arcsec, Clear, Winds Calm End: Seeing 1.5 arcsec, Clear, Winds Calm Observing Summary: Continuation of an optical imaging follow-up of the Sauron survey of early-type galaxies. The sky was partially cloudy with scattered cirrus and erratic seeing (1.3-3.5 ) for the first quarter of the night, when we obtained some long exposures. Fortunately, the clouds cleared rapidly and the last three-quarters of the night were (as far as we could tell) perfectly photometric, with seeing typically 1.5-2.0 . We then succeeded to obtain all the photometric data we needed (galaxies and standards) in the Fall, the main aim of this observing run. So this run is already a success!!! We had no technical problem. Most importantly, the bias level problem experienced yesterday did not occur at all. ------------------------------ Submitted on 2005 Nov 4 [7:50:06]