MDM Observatory 1.3m Telescope Observer's Report for 2005 Sep 05 Observer(s): Holly Sheets Institution(s): Dartmouth Instrument: mark III + templeton Worked for 2 hours (off and on through the night) Conditions were Overcast most of the night. No equipment or software problems were encountered. Seeing and Weather: Clouds all night. Beg: Overcast, Winds Light & Variable Mid: Patchy Clouds, Winds Light & Variable End: Overcast, Winds Light & Variable Observing Summary: spent most of the night waiting for the clouds to clear. unlike the past couple nights, this never really happened. i got a few spectra of one target that might be usable, and a few others that probably won't be. the weather was completely uncooperative tonight. ------------------------------ Submitted on 2005 Sep 6 [4:38:06]