MDM Trouble Report for 2006 May 4 Telescope: 1.3m Observer(s): Jules Halpern (Columbia University) Instrument: Templeton Direct Problem(s) Encountered: When I went to a new target at H.A -03:15, Dec +52:35, the tracking failed. This was at 12:35 pm, and I was determined not to lose the rest of the night. It seemed to me that a whirling motion and noise meant that a clutch was slipping, and I started to poke at it. I found that if I set the telescope to approximately where I wanted it, and gave the offending part a sharp twist to the left, then the telescope would continue to track as long as I didn't do any further set motions. That was okay for the next 2 hours. Fortunately, when I moved to the last target of the night, I found that the telescope would track without any further disciplinary action. In the end only 20 minutes was lost, but clearly some professional adjustment is really necessary. By the way, I find that there is still some backlash/delay in the N-S guide motion when observing at extreme zenith angles. Last thing: there were still a couple of asynchronous read errors. Adding one 10 minute exposure lost to the other problem brings the total to 30 minutes, not bad. ------------------------------ Submitted on 2006 May 4 [5:03:43]