MDM Trouble Report for 2006 Nov 23 Telescope: 1.3m Observer(s): Harris, Piscionere (Columbia) Instrument: Templeton Problem(s) Encountered: This is an adendum to previous trouble report submitted on 2006 Nov 23 [2:52:13]. A little before midnight, images of the star HS2331 started becoming poorly resolved, as if clouds were passing across the field. However, the guider monitor revealed none. We figured they were the thin wispy clouds that we noticed at dusk. At about 1AM we switched to star 1rxs0704 and exposed for 15 seconds in the bg38 filter. The resulting image looked as if the the shutter had not opened, ie a uniform grey field. After reinitializing xtcs & xmis and checking the dome azimuth to no avail, we called Eve from up at the 2.4. Eve ran df templeton and ut init and we noticed that the ccd temp was very high (~8 degrees). We quickly refilled the dewar, concerned that the warmth might damage it, and waited for it to cool down. (At the time of refill we noticed a low psi (~3) on the dewar filler and it took an extreemly long time to fill. This caused us to believe that the dewar filler was near empty, but after further inspection we realized that there is plenty of LN remaining in both dewars.) After about 2 hours it reached its normal temp of -95 degrees and we tried taking another exposure. This image was completely flushed out. We continued taking exposures thinking that the ccd was just taking its time cooling down but the images remained unresoulved. We became concerned that something more significant was wrong and decided to shut down for the remainder of the night. That is when we realized that we had never reopened the dark hatch after the LN refill. Feeling like complete idiots we took another exposure with the hatch open and saw a typical star filled image. At this point, dawn was quicly approaching so we had to call it a night... So there is plenty of LN in the dewars, the ccd is aquireing images properly, and we will continue to monitor the ccd temp using the ut command. Sorry for the troubles. Happy thanksgiving! ------------------------------ Submitted on 2006 Nov 23 [8:45:06] NOTE: This trouble report replaces the previous report for 2006 Nov 23