MDM Trouble Report for 2006 Oct 8 Telescope: 1.3m Observer(s): Martini, Atlee, Bird, and Lacki (Ohio State) Instrument: Echelle Problem(s) Encountered: We have encountered the following error message while using CCDCOM to control echelle at the 1.3m: Clearing the CCD.... Done, cleared CCD 1 time Getting TCS/MIS info...done Exposure Started, Ctrl+C to pause Exposure Complete, Elapsed Time = 5.00 sec Beginning CCD read of 2080 by 2048 (4259840 pixels)... ccd_aread: wrong aio finished; expected 1. This is bad. *** Error encountered in asynchronous read: data suspect Failed, return code = 1474560, elapsed = 44.639000 this failure has been slowly increasing in frequency; last night we saw it twice the whole night, at the beginning of tonight we saw it about once per hour, now we see it several times per hour. We have tried the following: 1) typed df echelle then util init 2) restarted CCDCOM 3) performed a cold reset Each of these appeared to help, if briefly, although this is difficult to say with certainty. Also, the error message appears more common if we are writing another file to disk at the same time (e.g. running an IRAF task), although we have also seen it when nothing else is running on the computer. ------------------------------ Submitted on 2006 Oct 8 [1:34:41]