MDM Trouble Report for 2006 Apr 3 Telescope: 2.4m Observer(s): Paul Martini (Ohio State) Instrument: MDM8K Problem(s) Encountered: 1) Chip 5 of the MDM8K has significant striping parallel to the detector rows. The amplitude of the stripes is approximately 20 ADU rms. It is also not constant across a given row, the amplitude is simply less (7 ADU rms). The stripes appear in both object and bias frames and vary substantially from one exposure to the next. Chip 5 therefore appears to be unusable. The previous observer pointed this out to me on 31 March 2006 and it has been present in every frame I have looked at. 2) Last night the tvguider stopped responding while I was entering the setup parameters. I tried x, q, etc. and got no response. I then hit Ctrl-Alt-Del and rebooted the computer. After this it worked fine. Incidently, the reasonable parameter values in the MDM8K Basic Startup and Shutdown Procedures do not work. Minor points: 3) The CCD temperature on detcon reads -422.7 deg. C. I have restarted it several times in the last few days and it has always read a comparably low number. 4) The Granville-Phillips pressure display reads 0 mTorr. Web issues: 5) The web page with the Trouble Report Archive does not include a link to trouble reports for 2006. (see 6) On the web page with a description of the MDM8K project (, none of the links under the subheading The Guider are active. There is also a dead link to ------------------------------ Submitted on 2006 Apr 3 [4:57:22]