MDM Trouble Report for 2006 Dec 19 Telescope: 2.4m Observer(s): Milisavljevic/Rudie (Dartmouth) Instrument: ModSpec Problem(s) Encountered: (1) Guider Unable to find the slit in the guider window. Attepted to refocus in gradual as well as large increments. Also attempted day time focus proceedure after humidity was too high to have the dome open. Unable to locate slit with the guider using a lamp. Appeared as though direct output on the guide cam could locate stars. Unable to see anything in digital mode. Attempted adjustment of all DTI settings. Problem was NOT resolved. (2) Error message on TCS output Dome encoder not responding However, the dome seemed to be functioning mormally. (3) CCDCOM was also acting up. Set format fuction would not repsond to commands. Problem seemed to be resolved after closing and reopening the program twice. ------------------------------ Submitted on 2006 Dec 20 [5:23:08]