MDM Trouble Report for 2006 Feb 15 Telescope: 2.4m Observer(s): Statler, Watanabe, Haas (Ohio Univ.) Instrument: Direct/Echelle Problem(s) Encountered: First symptom was that the autoguider guide box could not be used to drag a star; it became apparent that the tvguider was computing the x and y moves correctly but it was not driving the telescope. We rebooted the guider PC but this didn't help. TCS monitor reported Dec encoder not responding and later, RA and Dec encoders not responding . We shut down the TCS system on the PC; this sent the telescope into an uncontrolled slew, we think in RA. We hit the STOP button quickly, then rebooted the TCS. It came up but reported very incorrect RA and Dec. We manually brought the telescope to the stow position with the tiltmeters, at which point the Dec read somewhere around 38 N. We then again shut down the TCS and rebooted the computer. We also exited xtcs and xmis, and restarted and initialized them. At the end of this we found that the telescope had, on its own and unnoticed by us, slewed about 30 degrees south. Again we brought it to vertical using the tiltmeters, which left the TCS reading a Dec of +66. Since we didn't know what to do at this point and there was little to be gained by further troubleshooting (it was after 5 am), we closed up. ------------------------------ Submitted on 2006 Feb 15 [5:40:03]