MDM Trouble Report for 2006 Jan 5 Telescope: 2.4m Observer(s): Halpern (Columbia) Instrument: CCDS Problem(s) Encountered: This is not really trouble yet, but I am having some problems setting the temperature on the CCDS slit viewing camera. It doesn't respond to my input in the Setpoint line in the Camera Setup window. It seems to indicate the correct temperature, or nearly so, only if I press ShtDn and then EstLnk, being careful to turn the Temperature Regulation to Active each time in the Camera Setup window. It seem that I should not have to do all this, according to the instructions. A definite procedure should be established, as there is the possibility of damaging the camera if it is left more than 20 degrees cooler than ambient. Also, because of this possible problem, we inadvertently observed for one night with a warm camera, and could not see the faintest targets. ------------------------------ Submitted on 2006 Jan 5 [6:33:26]