MDM Trouble Report for 2006 Jul 12 Telescope: 2.4m Observer(s): DePoy & Marshall (OSU) Instrument: TIFKAM Problem(s) Encountered: Pointing of telescope continues to be problematic. Tonight the telescope would slew normally (unlike last night), but the pointing reproducibility was very poor. For example, after zero-pointing on a bright star near the zenith, slewing (with the hand paddle) 5 degrees east or west, re-pointing at the initial bright star would be off by ~300 arcseconds (out of the TIFKAM field of view). Larger moves were off by larger amounts. The error was always to the east. Moves to the north or south of any distance returned within to the initial star within ~10 arcseconds. Also, on nearly every move the telescope would stall when it neared the target. At the end of moves of any distance the telescope would get to within ~2 arcminutes of the target and then start to oscillate and take many minutes to complete the move. ------------------------------ Submitted on 2006 Jul 13 [0:02:51]