MDM Trouble Report for 2006 Jun 14 Telescope: 2.4m Observer(s): Thorstensen (Dartmouth) Instrument: echelle direct + 2 in FW Problem(s) Encountered: Several problems: (a) Around midnight, the power dropped out for maybe two seconds -- ordinarily not a problem, but the UPS power went too, so absolutely everything went down. I got back on the air without any special difficulty, but it took about half an hour all told. So, evidently, the UPS has become an IPS (interruptible power supply). (b) I had several episodes of asynchronous read errors -- these come in clusters, and when they happen they tend to persist for a while. I hit reset multiple times, cycled the power on the fiber-optic interface box, and typed sync repeatedly -- sometimes these worked, sometimes they didn't, which makes me think that none of these get at the cause. The last cluster occurred during morning sky flats; since I had enough flats, I eventually just gave up. (c) Low-exposure images are showing some kind of pickup. This may hae become more noticable after the power glitch, or perhaps that was just a coincidence. (d) Finally, the filter wheel at one point was off-step - I noticed this because the images didn't look appropriate for their passbands. Initializing xmis fixed it. ------------------------------ Submitted on 2006 Jun 15 [5:28:35]