MDM Trouble Report for 2006 Jun 17 Telescope: 2.4m Observer(s): Thorstensen (Dartmouth) Instrument: modspec + echelle CCD Problem(s) Encountered: The dome went into its endless-turning state three times, twice during auto-pointings. Another auto-pointing refused to complete even after it had been stopped and Go had been pressed again. On one of the failed autopointings the hour angle appeared to freeze, but I was able to free it by manually slewing a little bit. The telescope tracking hasn't seemed very consistent, either, but I'm not certain of this yet. The cure for the dome turning-and-turning state seems to be to disable dome control with the yellow button, set the dome manually outside, and observe for a while -- then re-set the dome coordinates (they'll be off somewhat), and enable the auto-dome again. The uncompleted set correlated with a runaway dome is new to me. Also, uncompleted sets that do not complete when Stop and Go are pressed is new. I don't have any good suggestions for diagnostics to run during the day; the problems are not at all acute and very little time was lost. A less experienced hand might have had more difficulty with them, though. ------------------------------ Submitted on 2006 Jun 18 [5:27:23]