MDM Trouble Report for 2006 Jun 25 Telescope: 2.4m Observer(s): Halpern, Roberts (Columbia U.) Instrument: Modspec Problem(s) Encountered: Shortly after dinner lightning struck very close, and the power flickered off and on a couple of times, but the computers stayed up. A normal lightning shutdown was then performed. The commercial power remained on, but the generator ran for a while. Rain was heavy for a while. This message reports some anomalies that appeared when the computers were turned back on a couple of hours later. 1. All the computers came up okay, but krakatoa's monitor (still labeled 'pinatubuo') is scrolling rapidly and continuously with some messages, including 'file system full'. 2. The UPS fault light (red) is on, and it is squealing, so I assume that we have no UPS right now. 3. The mirror AC circuit breaker tripped. (This also happened in the previous morning, probably when I shut down, but I hadn't noticed it.) 4. The wireless network isn't working. Also, I notice that the lightning shutdown procedure no longer includes disconnecting the T-1 line from the router, and I wonder if this is okay. One apparent benefit of the shutdown is that some low-level pattern noise on the Echelle CCD, which has been present for many days, seems to have disappeared. ------------------------------ Submitted on 2006 Jun 26 [0:43:00]