MDM Trouble Report for 2006 Mar 8 Telescope: 2.4m Observer(s): Peeples, Molly (Ohio State) Instrument: 8k Problem(s) Encountered: Trouble pointing telescope and keeping it that way ... Sometime between midnight and 1:30 the telescope went from being pointed correctly to not at all. Following the instructions for I totally lost my pointing! didn't work the first half dozen times... (incidentally, I couldn't find the hand paddle it claims is in the dome?) ... When it was supposed to be pointing at a bright star, there wasn't a bright star in the entire field of view. Restarting xtcs while at zenith seemed to do the trick, though. Then, about half an hour later, this was two fields later, it lost the pointing again. Nearest guide star... not there. By the time I got it repointed (with going to zenith, restarting xtcs,looking for the nearest bright star there, etc.) it was too bright to take any more data. I've also noticed (not just tonight) that when I'm trying to point on just a bright star using tcs offset that if I try to offset by much more than about 100 in any direction the star just... goes off the field, even if it really shouldn't. But using smaller increments seems to be OK, but takes a really really long time. ------------------------------ Submitted on 2006 Mar 9 [7:01:16]