MDM Trouble Report for 2006 Nov 6 Telescope: 2.4m Observer(s): L. Watson (OSU) Instrument: CCDS Problem(s) Encountered: At about 12:30am, I noticed that the CCDS images had high background and some star-like features that shouldn't have been there. This was because the detector had warmed to -45.1 degrees. From about 9:15pm until 12:30am, I had been using Retrocam, but in the last exposures I had taken with CCDS (around 9pm), the star-like features were not present. Unfortunately, I filled the dewar upon realizing this. I now know that this can cause a gunk build up on the CCD. It cooled down (at least to -89) but as I should have expected, it has warmed back up again in a short amount of time (it's now 6am and the temperature is about -65). I won't fill the dewar again. I apologize for not referring to the manual before I filled the dewar once it was warm. If I accidentally fall asleep before anyone gets here, just wake me up to get more information about this. I am certain I filled the dewar this evening. I am almost certain that I filled the dewar twice a day since I've been here too (I'm only doubting myself now because my forgetting to fill it is the only reason I can think of for the detector to warm up). I am very sorry if I did forget. Another option is that I did not fill it correctly or completely. I don't think this is the case either, but I'm not sure. The focus buttons on the hand paddle quit working twice during the night. This was accompanied by the warning on the TCS: RA and Dec Encoders Not Responding. It eventually worked itself out once I slewed the telescope and I see in the manual that this was probably because the telescope did not complete it's move to my next object and was hung up. Simply clicking on STOP would have solved the problem quicker. Good to know. ------------------------------ Submitted on 2006 Nov 6 [6:28:32]