MDM Trouble Report for 2006 Oct 16 Telescope: 2.4m Observer(s): Prieto (OSU) Instrument: CCDS Problem(s) Encountered: CCDS images still show organized readout pattern. Its like a sine-wave with bright (counts above average) and dark (counts below average). This is pretty bad because its a 5% effect in the bias (approx. +/- 10 counts in a ~190 counts bias) and it changes as a function of time, it can't be corrected with bias frames obtained right after the science frames!. Please take a look at three CCDS bias obtained right after a science exposure: /home/hiltner/data/bias1.fits /home/hiltner/data/bias2.fits /home/hiltner/data/bias3.fits For example, look at bias1 - bias2 = bias1_2.fits, its there. I haven't done tests yet with the spectra of faint supernovae but I would think this can affect the results (supernova spectra have broad features), although I'm not sure. ------------------------------ Submitted on 2006 Oct 17 [6:18:42]