MDM Trouble Report for 2006 Sep 15 Telescope: 2.4m Observer(s): Jana Grcevich (University of Michigan) Instrument: 8K Problem(s) Encountered: Encountered several problems: 1. The pointing was fine, but just after entering coordinates the first pair of offsets were not measured from the original pointing. Objects were on the same part of the chip if I went to the coordinates and entered no offsets, or if I went to the coordinates and then entered offsets of 281 150. Solved the problem by first entering the 281 150 offsets and then the offsets I wanted. 2. At roughly UT 9 I noticed the telescope RA and DEC were changing inappropriately. The Next Object hour angle was constantly changing. The TCS displayed the error RA or DEC encoders not responding . I tried to reset the RA and DEC encoders, but the problem persisted. I restarted the TCS. Tracking worked normally after that. 3. After the TCS restarted, I had problems with the TV guider. The stars seemed relatively stationary when I wasn't guiding. When I was guiding, the stars would move more rapidly and move out of the guide target box. Once guiding stopped, the stars did not continue to move on the TV. I attempted to adjust the guide parameters, but the problem persisted. Due to these problems, I closed early ~5am. ------------------------------ Submitted on 2006 Sep 16 [4:45:05]