MDM Trouble Report for 2006 Sep 3 Telescope: 2.4m Observer(s): John Thorstensen (Dartmouth) Instrument: modspec + echelle CCD Problem(s) Encountered: Two items: 1) I had the tracking fail at -2h 01m hour angle, dec = +39. At the time I was waiting for a clear hole to appear, so I lost no time. I'm noting it here to help the staff with diagnostics. 2) For the record, on the previous day I did a lightning shutdown and had a problem early in the night with no light reaching the CCD. I traced this to the shutter not opening in the modspec. To cure it, I traced the cable back to the Uniblitz shutter controller box, pressed the reset switch on the box, and operated the shutter manually once or twice with the other switch -- then I could hear it opening and closing, and it operated normally after that. Moral: the shutter is among the components that should be checked after coming back up from a lightning shutdown. Lost only 20 minutes during non-photometric twilight. ------------------------------ Submitted on 2006 Sep 4 [3:06:13]