2005 December 1
updated 2012 October 18 [Barr/MDM]
The startup procedure should be followed by the mountain staff every time there is
The startup procedures are to be carried out on the Observer's Workstation, after ssh in an xterm window to hiltner at the 2.4-meter telescope, or ssh in an xterm window to mcgraw at the 1.3-meter telescope.
telconfigat the Unix prompt. You are first asked if you wish to proceed. This prevents you from accidentally starting the script.
The prompts are self-explanatory. All inputs are case-insensitive, so that "direct" and "Direct" are the same to the script.
When telconfig is done, the observer's workstation is now ready to use xtcs and xmis with this instrument.
At the 1.3m (MDM 1.3m TCS).
Note: you should do this even if the instrument has not been changed. This ensures that the next observer starts with a "fresh" telescope configuration file.
If the instrument has its own filter wheel (e.g., CCDS, TIFKAM, R4K, 4K, OSMOS(at 2.4m) and the MDM 8K imager), you may skip Step 3
To create the filter.info file, enter the command:
misfilterThis is a script which will prompt you for the number of slots in the filter wheel (e.g., 8 for the MIS or 12 for the OSU filter wheel at the 1.3m and 2.4m) and then will ask you which filter is in slot 1 thru N.
NOTE: an important change with the new Linux system is that filters are numbered 1..N, not 0..N-1 as before. This is a more "logical" numbering system.
Respond with the filter name at each prompt. Case counts, so please use B, V, etc., up to 8 characters maximum. If a filter slot is empty, MDM tradition is to enter * (asterisk) for the filter name.
Once misfilter is done, the filter.info file for this run will be created in the proper place.
Note that if the observers requests a filter change during their run, you can run misfilter again to update the MIS filter.info file. There is no need to repeat any of the other steps in the usual startup procedure in that case.
This is the short form of the procedure above: