GUI Hand Paddle Intermittent Functionality

Sunday, January 6, 2013 2:18 PM

Problem(s) Encountered:

The north and south directions on the software paddle (the little popup spawned by the OSU gui) work intermittently. I am holding the button down long enough to get an acknowledgment on the status line of the TCS gui, but the telescope doesn''t move.


This seems to be a recurrent problem with the 1.3m. N-S guide motion sometimes suffers from too much backlash when trying to make small motions.  When using the hardware paddle, it was possible to hold the button down for 10-20 seconds and finally get some motion.  With the software paddle, try pressing the button many times.

 This has been a problem for the guider as well,  since it cannot

correct N-S drift in its normal mode of operation if the telescope

won''t move.

To solve, preload adjustments must be performed.