JSkyCalc Pointing Error
Friday, June 23, 2017 11:08 AM
Problem(s) Encountered:
The first slew failed with a yellow error message in JSkyCalc13mGS slew status field of ''unknown status''. This meant that the TCS responded with some string that JSkyCalc doesn''t recognize - the code knows to look for an error and for a successful completion, but nothing else, so I don''t know exactly what message the TCS was returning. The dome camera confirmed that the telescope had not moved appreciably.
I checked the dec controller and it did not show an error. I then realized that JSkyCalc was showing a wildly wrong telescope position below the horizon. I restarted the telescope server, and JSkyCalc, reset the pointing in the zenith on the tilt meters, found a bright star, and was good to go. I wish now I''d been a bit more incremental and observant in the process, but I wanted to get on sky ....
It was handy to be able to reset the paddle gain in this situation, but the documentation giving the command for this is a bit hard to find. This doesn''t matter that much since the telescope is mostly used remotely, and the remote user can''t reach over the interwebs and push the buttons on the
hardware paddle.
See above.
Paddle gain adjustments are described here: