Guider issues (electronic noise)

Monday, January 15, 2024 7:12 AM

Problem(s) Encountered:

I noticed one odd problem with the guiding -- basically, it was throwing a spurious correction of an arcsec or two in dec maybe 20 percent of the time, leading to images smeared N/S. Short unguided exposures didn't show this. I managed the problem by reducing the aggressiveness to 2, which is fine since the 1.3m tracks well anyway.  

There is electronic noise in the images, from wherever -- a pattern of short horizontal white lines diagonally across the image. My guess is that when one of those white lines land near the guide star, it pulls the correction.  This is only a guess. I believe there's a spare FLI camera that could be swapped in at some point, but it's not obvious that the interference is coming from inside the camera, and furthermore this is only a guess.  The camera at the 2.4m does not show this.


From Halpern:  This seems like a good theory, if the interfering line is bright.I've seen quick jumps like that caused by an obvious cosmicray near the star.

If this problem persists, we may need to replace the guide camera (we have one spare).