Airbag Pressure Failure
Saturday, October 13, 2012 2:12 PM
Problem(s) Encountered:
Mirror support airbag pressure is failing. Stars are smeared and triangular in shape, and we dare not observe except near zenith.
I came to the observatory and found that there was no air to the regulator for the mirror. Checked the circuit breaker in the dome side room and they were ok. Found that there was no air also at the pressure regulator under the dome floor. After I had gotten the panel off on the compressor shed I found that there was no air in the compressor tank. I then checked the circuit breakers and found that one had tripped, we will find another way to circuit control. Once the breaker was reengaged the compressor started to work and pressure started to come up on the cell regulator. Noticed that the SE hard point had very strange numbers and had to remove and re-install the hard point pressure sensor. Once it was corrected the system went back to behaving normal. I moved the telescope in all four directions on sky but did notice that the airbags lagged a bit more than they should. Monday after the instrument changes we will re-plumb the air regulators . Do not like the way it is right now. Also I do believe that the observers would never have been able to get into the compressor shed to reset the circuit breaker, a door will be added to the shed and the shed will be clearly marked .