OSMOS Disperser Motion Failures
Friday, September 4, 2015 2:31 PM
Problem(s) Encountered:
Changing the disperser resulted very often in complaints about being out-of-position (every fifth or six times when a change had to be initiated). Luckily, the reset command always worked nicely, but the frequency of this happening is a bit worrisome.
Below is an example of one of the error messages, resulting also
in a bright red warning sign on the prospero status window
at the appropriate place :
Setting disperser...
Error: Command returned error
ERROR: DISPERSER DISPERSER=FAULT Mechanism out-of-position, in-position sensor not asserted. Reset DISPERSER to recover
Error setting the Disperser
Programming Error: invalid error code: -99
DISPERSER request aborted with errors.
Execution error in Prospero command.
Command: disp 2
Motor parameters have been adjusted to allow for more torque when accelerating from zero on a position change.