Prospero-MIS Communication Issues
Tuesday, September 8, 2015 9:50 AM
Problem(s) Encountered:
Attempted to take lamp flats, but it seemed like the lamps were never turned on using MIS, as the resulting images did not show any lines. Didn''t worry about this, as was likely not going to open, and could also do this at the end of the night.
At the end of the night, attempted again to take lamp calibrations and Prospero would not update its GUI when lamps were turned on or off with MIS. Subsequently tried to RESTART, but Prospero complained (error has
subsequently been lost, but it essentially was that ISIS connection
was lost). IC and Caliban were restarted, and entire startup procedure was done. Prospero listed everything up and running, but lamp status still would not update. When took spectrum (which was empty again of expected lines), received following error :
IC> WARNING: ERROR: Host not found ACQTAG=OSMOS.19800104175805
IC> WARNING: Telescope controller not responding. ACQTAG=OSMOS.19800104175805
Made no further attempt to correct.
This morning, saw the errors as listed in the trouble report. Verified that the lamps were functioning correctly by moving the Finder to “IN”, the Guide Probe to “CENTER” and watching on the guide camera as I cycled through the lamps. Lamps are all ok.
Ran a “snap” through prospero and got no errors. Also used prospero to cycle the lamps on/off without issue. Running a “go” resulted in the same errors as reported. Quit prospero, HE was power-cycled and IC reboot. Brought prospero back up and ran some test images. No more errors. In addition, verified that prospero is indeed updating Finder mirror position as well as lamp status. Did not have to restart any connections to Caliban, ISIS, etc.