Multiple Issues
Sunday, December 18, 2016 2:20 PM
Problem(s) Encountered:
Not really a problem but lost twilight flat time to make sure that no water was on mirror. (A lot entered the dome when opening) Climbed up didnt see any standing water on mirror covers. Went ahead and opened to take flats. First flat had distortion in middle of frame.
Didn''t know if I missed something or if it was condensation inside so ran both the dry nitrogen and moved telescope over to double check mirror again. Mirror was fine, after 15min took another exposure, no distortion so must have been condensation.
Later the dome encoders failed. This is a problem I have had almost every run. Went into dome, reset dome encoder box, set encoders to home. Moved to next target without a problem.
Guider failed to move in x direction, used same solution as last time, quit MIS, reset machine in computer room then restart. No problems
Noticed the RH jumped from 75 to 95 (on wa readout). Not sure what happened it lasted about 30 sec before dropping back to within standards.
Towards the end of a long exposure noticed lost guide star. This was very confusing, no clouds outside, went into dome to see if dome failed again, dome was fine. Thought it was guider probe failure and reset MIS. (had failed earlier) Moved back to target and started tracking. Took an exposure and noticed star with trails (tear shaped). Moved guide probe back to position and watched stars drift out of image. Thought the problem was something with tracking so did a TCS reboot. First attempt at restarting TCS forgot to move dome back to home and the rotator to zero so had to move dome/ rotator then restart.
Following TCS reboot, set track rate 15.06 and moved on to tilt sensors.
Aligning with tilt sensors (zenith, reads 0.05,-0.03) first time after aligning moved to nearest brightest in 1k image and nothing was there. Moved back to zenith and reset sensors with sidereal time again. This time was able to see nearest brightest and reset guiding. Not sure what caused the issue, believe it to still be an issue with TCS since restarting TCS solved the problem.
Lost a good portion of dark sky to this problem as the moon was up by the time I got everything working again.
No other problems occurred and the last part of the night was more productive.