ModSpec Shutter Connection

Thursday, March 1, 2018 10:53 AM

Problem(s) Encountered:

The first spectrum of the night (of a bright star) came out looking like a bias, indicating that the shutter in modspec was not opening.  I removed the shutter housing from the spectrograph and found that it would open when I operated it using the switch on the shutter power supply.  Eventually

found that the connection between the Leach controller and the

shutter had failed because the connector at the power supply

box had somehow fallen out.  Eric told me the correct way to

plug it back in (there were several possibilities) and after

reassembling everything I was back on the air.  I do hope that

I didn''t dislodge the O-ring between the shutter assembly and

the spectrograph body in re-installing!


Found that the connection between the Leach controller and the

shutter had failed because the connector at the power supply

box had somehow fallen out.  Eric told me the correct way to

plug it back in (there were several possibilities) and after

reassembling everything I was back on the air.  [Thorstensen]

The connection is such that the flat-edged terminal on the double-banana connector plugs into the black port on the shutter controller (closest to MIS) and the other connection plugs into the green port.