Some Startup Hiccups...

Friday, January 25, 2019 11:11 AM

Problem(s) Encountered

We had a bit of a slow start.  It is worth noting that after the warming trend of the past few days, the telescope started off about 90 units from the best focus. 
Also, I had to power cycle or restart several things at the beginning of the night. The rotator would not move using the handpaddle in the dome until I cycled the power on the control box. The guider stage got stuck several times and did not respond to reinitializing the xmis software and I had to power cycle the MIS box.  At the beginning of the night, JSkyCalc couldn't pass coords to the TCS next object.  Restarting the TCS bridge and xtcs on the workstation didn't work.  I had to exit and restart the DFM TCS software itself.  I didn't lose much dark time to all this because I mostly worked it out in twilight.


The focus routine is quite new.  Not sure why teh value changes from program to program however...