Mirror support, HP2 failure
Wednesday, December 8, 2021 6:26 AM
Problem(s) Encountered:
Air bags were not functioning correctly at the start - the hardpoint readings were way off nominal and the images were bad. Cured the problem by quitting the airbag program with QQ, restarting with SUPPORT, and disabling hardpoint 2 with H2. After waiting a few minutes for things to equilibriate, the system worked well for the rest of the night. Did not try
reverting to standard mode.
Hard points were all reading correctly this morning. I restarted the mirror support system to get it servoing to the hard points and moved the telescope around a fair bit without issue. I did notice that the air pressure was down around 20” of H2O instead of the nominal 23”, so I opened that flow a bit, but I think this has nothing to do with the issue.
I know that HP2 is slowly failing and likely it is at the connector. I’ve gone ahead and made a pigtail with the proper connector in hopes I can ease the job of terminating that load cell when/if it comes to that.
In the meantime, what was done regarding ‘H2’ is a perfectly adequate option to stay on-sky.