16June Update: MDM Information Regarding Covid-19

Tuesday, June 16, 2020 6:42 AM

No news yet from KPNPO/NOIR about when we can reopen and resume science operations.  Cases of COVID-19 in Arizona are drastically spiking, so this may factor into the silence on Observatory operations.  Stay safe and keep checking back from time to time.

In the meantime, we are aware of the issues with the all-sky camera and weather page.  These are caused by issues with UPS systems that we are working to correct.  Bear with us.

In the meantime, please read through the document detailing changes in policy and protocol at MDM.  While we understand that it will likely be some time before visitors  once again arrive at our doors, we want to be prepared.  Reading this is required before visiting MDM.  Please understand as well that as the situation evolves, so will this document.  Feel free to email the MDM Site Manager with any questions, comments or concerns.  Link to document.

Stay safe.  Stay well.