10August Update

Monday, August 10, 2020 10:44 AM

There is no new official information being released to the tenants of Kitt Peak at this time, however there is some unofficial news.  It is understood that Kitt Peak has successfully passed review for Phase 0 planning.  While it’s unclear what "Phase 0” entails, it should be assumed that in the least, it is a step forward.

MDM staffing has been approved to access the mountain 5 days a week, although we are limited to one staffer on-site at any given time currently.  Unofficially, it appears that two staffers will be allowed on-site on Mondays and Fridays.  This is all determined by agreements with the Tohono O’odham Nation, which limits the number or persons allowed on Kitt Peak at any time to a specific number.

Unfortunately, we continue to run with no science operations.  No news from KPNO/NOIRlab about when we might be looking at easing restrictions on operations for science.  Once there’s an update, I’ll be sure to post it here.

Stay safe and well.  We’ll be back on the air at some point...