McGraw-Hill 1.3m Telescope Commands


This should not be considered an exhaustive list of commands that can be entered via the TCS command line, but it does cover the most likely to be used commands.  As others crop up, they will be added to the list.  Please let MDM staff know of any commands you may like added as well.


tx slit open                       Used to remotely open the dome slit

tx dropleaf open              Used to remotely open the dome dropleaf

tx slit stop                        Used to remotely stop motion of the dome slit

tx slit open dammit          Used to remotely open the dome slit when a “rain present” flag is issued--should only be used if weather conditions permit!

tx dropleaf open dammit  Used to remotely open the dome dropleaf when a “rain present” flag is issued--should only be used if weather conditions permit!

tx dropleaf close              Used to remotely close the dome dropleaf

tx slit close                       Used to remotely close the dome slit

tx paddle type=n              Used to set up the physical hand paddle in the control room.  A good value for n is 40.

point ha=xx:yy:zz dec=aa:bb:cc   Used to point the telescope to a given position when tracking is OFF.  Add nodome at the end of the string for no dome motion.

point ra=xx:yy:zz dec=aa:bb:cc    Used to point the telescope to a given position when tracking is ON.

zero ra=xx:yy:zz dec=aa:bb:cc equinox=nnnn.nnn    Used to zero telescope.  Below is an example of zeroing coordinates at the zenith to re-establish pointing.

With telescope at appropriate tilt sensor values, enter:

zero ra=local sidereal time dec=31:57:12 equinox=current equinox from tcs
