Pointing errors far to the north
Problem(s) Encountered:
I tried moving with commands from the MDM13 control system - point ra=10:01:33 dec=+74:24:45 , or actually the J2025...
Workstation workspace swap glitch
Problem(s) Encountered:
For some reason, you can't switch from one desktop to the other on the 1.3m machine by clicking the little cartoon...
Dome fails to open, TCS issues
Problem(s) Encountered:
Having trouble with the TCS. Restarted TCS but dome slit won’t open. TCS RA is off by 12 minutes of time in RA while...
JSkyCalc disconnect
Problem(s) Encountered:
When I slew the telescope to the target, it said Slew: unknown status! and I could not find the pointing of the telescope...
Internet weirdness and network connected hardware failures
Problem(s) Encountered:
This is a weird one. There have been internet issues stemming from the summit since late morning. While it now appears...
Dome closing issue, dropleaf busy
Problem(s) Encountered:
I couldn't get the dome to close! But then I managed to fix it by trial and error:
Owl multiple exposure selection issue
Problem(s) Encountered:
We closed the dome during the observation due to high humidity. The multiple exposure failed tonight, so we have to...
Owl process fail to open
Problem(s) Encountered:
When I used owl,there were several errors.INFO - Checking DS9 version ... done ERROR - Driver PCI Device 0...
How to stow the dome (home the dome)
Problem(s) Encountered:
When we homed the dome, it reported the error that error Where m_dec not homed and we cannot see the telescope from...
Guider issues (electronic noise)
Problem(s) Encountered:
I noticed one odd problem with the guiding -- basically, it was throwing a spurious correction of an arcsec or two...

1.3m Trouble Reports & Solutions
Recent trouble reports for the McGraw-Hill 1.3m telescope. Note that you may find it worthwhile to peruse the 2.4m reports as well in case your problem is instrument-related.
Scroll down for a link to the complete archives.
To open a simple and searchable database containing all archived trouble report solutions, click on the following links. While there are individual links for each telescope, it is worthwhile to search both databases in the event that you experience trouble:
•Hiltner 2.4m Trouble Report Database (2025Jan21)
•McGraw-Hill 1.3m Trouble Report Database (2025Jan21)